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ISIS/Brazil Neutron School

02-11 September 2024 at Nuclear and Energy Research Institute IPEN/CNEN-SP

Neutron scattering and imaging are powerful techniques to study the structure and dynamics of materials over broad time- and length-scales, with applications for studies of materials related to energy, catalysis, polymer systems, drug delivery, functional materials, magnetism, superconductivity and engineering, amongst many others. Thanks to the strong interaction between neutrons and light elements, these techniques are particularly useful for the study of hydrogen-containing materials like pharmaceuticals or lithium-ion conduction in batteries. The magnetic moment of neutrons also makes them uniquely sensitive to magnetism.

The ISIS Neutron and Muon Source provides 35 instruments, 30 of which are dedicated to neutron techniques; each year it has 3500 user visits, performs 1000 experiments and produces 600 publications. The UK International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) is providing funds to enable the development of Brazilian use of ISIS, and to foster the collaboration between ISIS and Brazilian researchers. In this context, the ISIS/Brazil Neutron School is being jointly organized by scientists of both countries, and will take place at the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN), São Paulo, from 2-11 September 2024. The school is oriented to graduate students and young researchers from Brazilian institutions working in one of the many areas of knowledge that can benefit from neutron experiments.

The school program starts with basic introductory lectures about neutron sources, instruments and techniques, followed by slightly more focused lectures and a practical activity at the IPEN reactor. In some sessions, the students will be divided into two or more groups, according to their backgrounds and scientific interests.

A total of 24 participants will be selected. Note that food during the school will be offered to all students automatically and paid by ISIS/IPEN collaboration. Limited funds for travel and accommodation in São Paulo will be available for up to 2/3 of the students, and will be prioritised by need. The course will be in English. Question/Answer sessions might be occasionally in Portuguese.

To see the preliminary program click here.

For application, please fill the form.

Key Dates

  • Application Deadline: 30 June 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: 15 July 2024
  • School Dates: 2-11 September 2024